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番茄果实成熟中的果胶甲酯酶 畅销书籍 正版 航天Role of Pectinesterase Isoforms During Tomato Frui.
- 产品名称:RoleofPectinesteraseI...
- 是否是套装:否
- 书名:RoleofPectinesteraseIsoformsDuringTomatoFrui
- 定价:40.00元
- 出版社名称:中国农业科学技术出版社
- 出版时间:2016年1月
- 作者:温波
- 开本:32开
- 书名:RoleofPectinesteraseIsoformsDuringTomatoFrui

商品基本信息,请以下列介绍为准 | |
商品名称: | 番茄果实成熟中的果胶甲酯酶 |
作者: | 温波,朱世东,(英)塔克(Gregory Tucker) 著 著作 著 |
市场价: | (咨询特价) |
ISBN号: | 9787511624116 |
出版社: | 中国农业科学技术出版社 |
商品类型: | 图书 |
其他参考信息(以实物为准) | ||
装帧:平装 | 开本:32开 | 语种:英语 |
出版时间:(咨询特价)-01 | 版次:1 | 页数:132 |
印刷时间:(咨询特价)-01 | 印次:1 | 字数:130千字 |

目录 | |
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Fruit 1.1.1 General introduction 1.1.2 Tomato 1.2 Fruit ripening 1.2.1 Colour,flavour and texture changes in fruit ripening 1.2.2 Ethylene in fruit ripening 1.3 Plant cell wall 1.3.1 General introduction 1.3.2 Cell wall components 1.3.3 Cell wall structure 1.4 Cell wall enzymes 1.4.1 Polygalacturonase(PG) 1.4.2 Pectate lyases 1.4.3 β-Galactosidase 1.4.4 Expansin 1.5 Pectinmethylesterase 1.5.1 PE proteins 1.5.2 PE modes of action and regulation 1.5.3 PE genes and isoforms 1 5.4 Tomato PE antisense lines CHAPTER 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.1 Plant material 2.1.1 Tomato growth and maintenance 2.1.2 Crossing tomato 2.2 Chemicals 2.3 Fruit texture analysis 2.4 Biochemical methods 2.4.1 Extraction of crude protein from tomato fruits 2.4.2 Bio-Rad(Bradford) protein assay 2.4.3 Pectinesterase assay 2.4.4 Heparin affinity chromatography 2.4.5 PE profile assay 2.4.6 Concentration of pooled PE isoforms 2.4.7 Total leaf protein extraction for SDS PAGE analysis. 2.4.8 Making acetone insoluble solid(AIS) 2.4.9 Determination of degree of esterification(DE) of the pectin by titration 2.4.10 Extraction of CDTA Soluble Pectin 2.4.11 Determination of Neutral Sugars 2.4.12 Determination of uronic acid 2.5 Molecular biological methods 2.5.1 DNA extraction from tomato leaves 2.5.2 DNA measurement 2.5.3 Polymerase chain reaction(PCR) 2.5.4 Restriction enzyme digestion 2.5.5 Agarose gel electrophoresis 2.5.6 DNA sequence(MWG value read) 2.5.7 PCR product purification by Perfectprep Gel Cleanup Kit(Eppendorf) 2.6 Immunochemistry and immunolabelling 2.6.1 Immunodot assay 2.6.2 Immunolocalization 2.7 Statistics 2.8 Capillary Electrophoresis(CE) 2.8.1 Enzyme digests 2.8.2 CE CHAPTER 3 GENERATION OF DOUBLE ANTISENSE PLANTS 3.1 Plant generation 3.2 Generation of the double antisense plants 3.3 PE Isoform profilers of double antisense plants 3.3.1 PE extraction method optimisation 3.3.2 PE profiles in tomato fruit 3.4 Summary CHAPTER 4 CHARACTERIZATION OF PE SINGLE AND DOUBLE ANTISENSE PLANTS 4.1 Fruit PE activity,and morphology analysis 4.1.1 Generation of wild-type controls 4.1.2 Fruit PE activities 4.1.3 Fruit morphology and softening 4.2 Cell wall component analysis 4.2.1 UA in acetone insoluble solids(AIS) and CDTA soluble pectin 4.2.2 DE of pectin in AIS 4.2.3 Neutral sugar analysis by GC 4.3 Capillary electrophoresis(CE) of pectin 4.3.1 DE of CDTA soluble pectin 4.3.2 CE profiles of PG digested CDTA soluble pectin 4.4 Characterization of antisense lines using monodonal antibodies 4.4.1 Immuno-dot blot analysis of CDTA soluble pectin 4.4.2 Immunolocalization: Fruit pericarp 4.4.3 Immunolocalization: Stem 4.5 Summary 4.5.1 Biochemical and morphological study 4.5.2 Immunological study CHAPTER 5 USE OF ANTISENSE LINES FOR PE ISOFORMS ANALYSIS 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Effect of pH on PE activity 5.3 PE isoform profiling 5.3.1 Fruit 5.3.2 Stem 5. ...... |

内容简介 | |
本书主要介绍作者在英国研究期间从事园艺植物番茄生理生化、遗传育种、果实采后贮藏加工等生物学的研究与实验等方面所取得的新成果, |

作者简介 | |
温波,博士,安徽农业大学园艺学院副教授,硕士生导师,2003年5月至2004年5月在英国诺丁汉大学植物科学系做访问研究;2005至2009年在英国诺丁汉大学生物科学学院攻读博士;2009至2012年在卡迪夫大学从事博士后研究;2013年至今在安徽农业大学园艺学院工作。 |
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